
28.06.13: Conference information: preliminary list of speakers and call for posters

Posted by: Will Wootton 12 years ago

The final conference of the Art of Making in Antiquity project will be held on the 28th June at King's College London. It is entitled 'Art in the Making: Stone Carving in the Classical World'. This conference follows on from the hugely successful event last year which examined the broader topic of stone carving through history.

Confirmed speakers include:

- Olga Palagia on  Classical carving techniques

- Emma Libonati on statues from Hellenistic Egypt

- Tony Ko?elj on sculpture production through the Classical period on Thasos

- Mary Hollinshead on supports on Roman statues

- Natalia Toma on 'pattern books' and the carving of Corinthian capitals

- Neils Hannestad on sculpture restoration in Late Antiquity

An introduction to the day will be provided by Peter Rockwell and concluding discussion will be chaired by Peter Stewart.

The new Art of Making in Antiquity web resource will also be launched at this conference and introduced by Will Wootton and Ben Russell.

Attendance costs just £10 and lunch is included. To register please go to the KCL e-store.

As part of the conference we also invite poster submissions. These should be on any subject related to stone carving in the Classical world. Those wishing to submit posters should send a title and abstract (250 words) to Emma Libonati (emma.libonati@kcl.ac.uk).