
28.06.13: Art in the Making: final conference programme and call for posters

Posted by: Will Wootton 11 years, 11 months ago

Please find below the programme for our conference on Friday 28th June 2013 along with the call for Posters.

Art in the Making: Carving Stone in the Classical World

The event will take place in the Anatomy Theatre on the KCL Strand Campus.
Attendance is £10 (lunch included), please register at the KCL e-store.

0915-0945 Registration, Tea and Coffee

0945-1000 Introduction by Peter Rockwell
1000-1045 Will Wootton, John Bradley and Ben Russell (King’s College London), 'The Art of Making in Antiquity: stoneworking in the Roman world'

1045-1130 Giovanni Verri (Courtauld Institute of Art). 'The polychrome statue from the Polledrara tomb'
1130-1215 Olga Palagia (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), 'Sculptural techniques in Greece from Archaic to Roman: questions of toolmarks and chronology'
1215-1300 Niels Hannestad (Aarhus University), 'Restoration of marble sculpture in late antiquity - the evidence of toolmarks'

1300-1400 Lunch, film screenings and poster session

1400-1445 Tony Ko?elj (École Française d'Athène), 'The toolmarks and carving processes through antiquity on Thasos'
1445-1530 Martin Henig (University of Oxford and University College London), 'A varied heritage: sculptors, sculpture and stone in Roman Britain'

1530-1600 Tea and Coffee

1600-1645 Mary Hollinshead (University of Rhode Island), 'Carving identity in Roman statues: the role of auxiliary supports'
1645-1730 Natalia Toma (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel), 'Carving marble decoration. New arguments concerning the manufacturing process'
1730-1800 Conclusions by Peter Stewart (University of Oxford)

1800 Reception, film screenings and poster session



Posters are invited on the techniques of production of stone monuments from the Classical world or related topics and time periods. Research which combines the Digital Humanities is encouraged. The format for final presentation will be A1.

Please send a title and abstract (250 words) with contact details and, where relevant, institutional affiliation to emma.libonati@kcl.ac.uk by 26th April 2013.

Accepted submissions will be given the opportunity to be published on the final project website.